How to cancel yourNorth Movement Studio Membership
Follow the steps below to cancel your North Movement Studio Lite or All-Access membership. You can cancel at anytime before your monthly or yearly renewal date. Please note that these screenshots were taken on a computer, so using a tablet or phone may look different. After you have canceled, you will have access to your membership until the end of your billing cycle.
Step 1: Login to your account
Click on your name in the top right hand corner for the drop-down menu to appear. Select “My settings”.
Step 2: Locate "Subscriptions"
Scroll down until you see the section “Subscriptions”. On the right hand side, you will see your renewal date, and next to the date a blue “Cancel” button.
Step 3: Click the blue "Cancel" button
After you click the blue “Cancel” button, the window (pictured below) will pop up, asking you to confirm that you would like to cancel your subscription. Click “Cancel subscription”.
Step 4: Verify and confirm
Check the “Subscriptions” section once more, to confirm that your subscription has been cancelled. You will have access to your membership until the end of your billing cycle. You will also receive an email confirmation of your cancellation.